The Science Of Smitten – 3 Key Questions Between You and Mr./Ms. Next

Wouldn't it be lovely to be mutually smitten?
Wouldn’t it be lovely to be mutually smitten?



Do you love being smitten like I do?  There is nothing like it.

Do you need to settle for a partner who does not make you feel that way?

The fact is that you do not have to settle.  It is worth it to pursue smitten even though it might be a little bit dangerous.  Here’s what I mean.

First off, being smitten is a natural part of being human.

Here is where the science comes in.  Dr. Helen Fisher of Rutgers University lists a whole family of brain chemicals that flood the brain into smitten.  If you feel chemistry toward someone you meet, your brain spins a delicious cocktail of chemicals that intoxicate you….

When your brain is flooded with  feel good chemicals including adrenaline, dopamine and seratonin, you tumble into someone’s arms hoping he is the one. Just like being drunk with alcohol, you may make decisions you later regret.

If smitten hits hard (which ironically is one of the meanings of smitten – to be hit hard), all you can think about is that person.  You are heavily into a lusty crush that demands action.

All you want is that person.  Now if he or she is a great fit, awesome.

If not?  Is another broken heart and broken relationship  inevitable?

Are you doomed to repeat the past?

The good news is that you are not doomed to repeat your old relationship patterns.

According to the International Brain Education Association (IBREA), neuroscientists confirm that you can master your brain chemistry and navigate yourself through smitten to love.

Lusty crushes are spectacular.  Smitten feels better than just about anything…especially if it has been a long time since your heart dropped with desire for someone.

So where do you fall in all of this?

  1.  Are you currently smitten?
  2.  Do you wish you were smitten?
  3.  Are you afraid to be smitten?

According to, Smitten is:  “More than like, but not quite love yet, it’s that feeling in between the two. That feeling of butterflies in your tummy. It’s that feeling that makes you smile whenever you think about that special person.”

If you want a partner to be smitten with YOU, EFT may be just what you are looking for.  Here is a link to my EFT Basics page so don’t wait….lean into the feelings you have about wishing to be smitten again and better yet, to have someone be smitten with you at the same time.  How sad/mad/discouraged are you on a scale of 1 to 10?  Now Click Here: EFT Basics

PS   There is a Mr. Next out there looking for someone exactly like you.  If you are nursing a broken heart, the man who finds you attractive is drawn toward your pain.  If you are healed from past heartbreak, Mr. Next will be drawn to your bright, beautiful and brave spirit.  Which do you want?

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