True Love Self Sabotage Snow White Style: Settling For So-So

Ladies, it is my pleasure to introduce you to True Love Saboteur Snow White:

Snow White

  • Sweet….some find tiresomely so.

  • Girl Next Door Looks…Think Ellen Degeneres. I love how she glows with sureness about herself.

    bigstock Fourty Year Old Woman 24565462 200x3001 Over 40 and Still Single?  Maybe You Are a Snow White

  • Wicked wit

  • Is tolerant of many views and rarely talks religion and politics.

  • Patient to a fault and often to her own harm as she can patiently endure an old relationship that is past its expiration point.

  • Gets busy with the minutia of life and misses opportunities for fun and new relationship possibilities.

  • Looks and says she is ready for love but is secretly and resolutely guarded.

  • Extremely vulnerable to broken hearts and tries to rescue everyone, whether they want her help or not.

  • Perennially cheerful and optimistic (Scarlett and Rapunzel find this very annoying)

  • She longs for someone to come and take care of her for a change…she wishes for rest and peace more than anything.

  • She doesn’t think she self-sabotages, she is just too busy helping everyone else solve their problems and doesn’t have time to focus on what she wants.

  • Is the friend everyone calls for advice because…

  • She never says no to anyone.

  • Keeping everyone smiling and entertained is her natural gift but can get compulsive.  She can easily stay in relationships past the expiration point because of a warped sense of loyalty so Snow White often settles for so so in her relationships

  • Addicted to being helpful.

  • Stands in the shadow of successful people rather than stepping out into her own sphere of influence.

  • Her fears separate her from what she wants the most.  She is afraid of being afraid more than the thing that frightens her.  When she realizes this, she will easily attract the love she wants.

Saboteur Seduction Secret: Snow White’s strength is her grace under fire and sense of humor.  The Saboteur is EXPERT in the grace under fire part.  She has been putting out fires for years and she is ready for change.  So, your Secret, Snow White,  is to give your sense of humor a makeover.  Make a vow to eliminate sarcasm.

Create an action plan with bite sized steps and just do it.  The change in your energy will astound you.  Practice being funny with kindness.  Your Saboteur will be confused at first because sarcasm has worked really well to keep love away.  She will LOVE the attention she gets when she can be kind and hysterical!  She just whispered to me and told me to tell you to watch Ellen.

Why are Snow Whites Great Love Matches?

Snow Whites have a natural loving energy that soothes the troubled heart.  She celebrates her man and being a wife excites her.  She has outside interests that hold passion for her but her man is a delicious focus and he loves it.

Snow White sees the world from a balanced view and brings harmony to her home.   She is agreeable with a spontaneous and adventurous spirit. Her tender heart feels the discomfort of others.  She can ‘read’ her man well and anticipating his needs delights her (and him too!)  One Snow White reports that when she bought her husbands favorite canned soup at the market, he made a point of thanking her and telling her how loved he felt.  Who knew.

A savvy Snow White makes sure she has a full and passionate life outside of her marriage.  She is full of curiosity and life fascinates.  If her man likes his couch time, she can give her acceptance of that to him…a precious gift indeed.

 Wonder about Your Sabotage Style?  Take the Love Sabotage Assessment and check it out for free:

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