True Love Saboteur: Scarlett

Thanks for requesting your Love Attraction Profile.  Enjoy!

Your ultimate goal is to convince your Saboteur that you are ready to feel loved! Because she sees herself as a super hero saving you from the wolves in sheep’s clothing that lurk around every corner, that is not such an easy task.

I wonder if it surprises you that you have strong Scarlett O’Hara tendencies in your self sabotage style. While you have no doubt seen the power of your natural magnetism in some environments, there is frustrating insecurity that bubbles right under the surface.

Sometimes people read you as cold when you are stressed and being misunderstood can make you lose your confidence and self esteem.

For whatever reason, Scarletts have a trail of drama behind them.  Like the trail left behind a jet zooming forward, your disappointments from past relationships has left heartbreak and pain trailing behind you in memories that are out of your awareness.

While you have walked away and closed the door to these past relationships, you can melt down unexpectedly when confronted with the shadowy figures in your past.  Finding an ex on Facebook can send you into a frenzy of cyber-stalking his every move.

These hidden wounds mar your authentic inner beauty. They also create a “Fear of Disappointment Vibe” that men can feel. Some Scarletts have few female friends and rejection by women has been especially painful.

You may notice that making decisions is draining as you struggle to make just the right choice. If you have trusted the wrong people in your past then that is holding you back.

Fear of trusting shuts Scarlett’s love vibe down so low that it is impossible to manifest the True Love she won’t give up on finding. Fear of abandonment paralyzes her.

Always remind yourself that your Saboteur only wants for you to feel safe. Self sabotage is self protection after all.  As a Scarlett, you have strong natural manifesting abilities so when you melt your self sabotage, get ready to rock it out of the park!

I hope you have an aha and a sense of relief in seeing that your Saboteur has only wanted to protect you. You know in your heart of hearts that the thought of trusting another person to really love you and going through another let down kills something inside.

Self Sabotage is the game and once you uncover and release the hidden hurts, love floods in….in a flavor delicious to you. Imagine feeling listened to, valued and affirmed. Wouldn’t that be nice?

There is nothing more appealing to a man than a happy woman. What’s not to love?

What’s next?  If you are still hurting over your ex three exes ago, you have a little inner housekeeping to take care of.  You can transform your history and use the energy trapped there to break through your blocks to finding love that lasts. 

Once you leave your breakups behind, you can learn how you how to magnetize yourself to love once and for all. 

What’s next?

Thanks for requesting your Love Attraction Profile, enjoy!

Your ultimate goal is to convince your Saboteur that you are ready to find your Soul Mate! Because she sees herself as a super hero saving you from the heartbreak, that is not such an easy task.

I wonder if it surprises you that you have strong Snow White tendencies in your self sabotage style. Being a Snow White myself, I feel a kindred spirit. ♥

A Snow White often finds herself white knuckling it caring for everyone else in her life except herself. You may find you work yourself to a frazzle and can easily overlook your own needs in the mean time.

Snow Whites have natural leadership skills and enjoy people but can fill her life with her committees and career achievements as a way to postpone soul mate seeking.

The disappointment from past relationships (romantic, family and friends) has left heartbreak and pain in memories that are out of your awareness. Like the cloudy train behind a jet, these heart breaks trail behind you haunting your love future.

Fear of disappointing others rules the day and leads you to over-accommodate in efforts to keep other people happy.

Snow Whites don’t see why people value and compliment them. While you sparkle with appeal and may attract people without difficulty, you may find yourself struggling to be yourself in your closest relationships.

And even though Snow White is working overtime keeping you safe by whispering that going it alone feels safest, you never give up on your dream. You are tenacious that way.

When you have released the ghosts of long lost love, you will feel magnetized to love at last.  You have powerful yet unknown talents and intuitive abilities. Once you melt your self sabotage, magic is inevitable!

Self Sabotage can be solved and once you uncover and release the hidden hurts, love floods in….in a flavor delicious to you. Imagine feeling listened to, valued and affirmed. Wouldn’t that be nice? There is nothing more appealing to a man than a happy woman.

What’s not to love?

What’s next?  If you are still hurting over your ex three exes ago, you have a little inner housekeeping to take care of.  You can transform your history and use the energy trapped there to break through your blocks to finding love that lasts. 

Once you are free of the past breakup trauma,  you can learn how to magnetize yourself to love once and for all. 

What’s next?

Send me a message, I would love to know what you are aware of! ❤️


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