Self Sabotage Lessons From Charlie Sheen

Charlie Sheen is giving you a message that is hard to ignore.

This troubled star, the highest paid actor on TV today, is splashed all over the news trying to defend his life

Last night Piers Morgan, a friend and fan of Sheen’s, gave an hour of prime time attention to detail the conflict between the actor and his bosses at CBS.

Even a personal visit from Les Moonves, president of the network, had zero impact on Charlie’s actions off set. As he described the visit, Charlie seemed to feel that having Moonves at his kitchen table was completely normal.

So what does this have to do with your love life?


Charlie Sheen is in trouble. He absolutely believes he is living a normal life. He sees the rest of the world as crazy for not seeing it. He rejects sobriety as “lame.” He is throwing away his career because drugs, alcohol and women are skewing his judgment.

And yet….his view of his life….as normal is just that…for him. His normal is so off kilter he can’t see it, even though all of us can. The people who love him (even though his circle of friends and supporters is shrinking quickly) suffer as they watch how unhappy he really is.

Take a look at your life. You are single. Your life is working out….sort of. You ache with loneliness, long to be cherished, wish for a husband and maybe even children but go through the motions pretending you are fine.

And just like Charlie Sheen, you are convinced that no one can understand and help you. You don’t even think you need help.

Don’t think so? How long have you been single? How many coaches or mentors have you worked with to solve your problem? Or do you think people who need help meeting a man are “lame.”

Here are 5 sure signs of denial in the relationship game:

1. Years since your last significant relationship.

2. Still angry and hurt over an ex from your 20s.

3. A Date rape you never told anyone about.

4. Shame at needing relationship advice.

5. Spending more money on plastic surgery, shape wear, cosmetics and wardrobe than you do on your heart and its scars from long lost love.

Next time you see Charlie Sheen on the cover of a tabloid or on the evening news, ask yourself… Am I living in la la land?

Is my life passing me by?

Am I REALLY ok being single?

Learn a lesson from the King of Sabotage himself and get the help you need to get the love you really want. Your life is really in your own hands.


Tune in Thursday, March 3 to learn Three Sabotage Secrets your Saboteur Does NOT Want You To Know.  Take a step today to end your own sabotage so you can find the love of your life. Click right here:   I am Ready For Love…I really am!

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