Rapunzel’s Remedy: Five Secrets To Falling in Love

Just because you are a Rapunzel, does that mean you are doomed to be single?  NO!!!  Here is the Secret to getting the love you want:

Remember that your Saboteur represents your STYLE of relating. Your style of relating represents how in touch you are with your CORE identity, the YOU you were at the moment of your birth.

Your parents were not equipped to create a friendly environment for you, no ones parents are, so right from the start, your precious Inner Being is overwhelmed with the noise of living.

Rapunzels are separated from their hearts at an early age. They are misunderstood and misinterpreted and instinctively adjust themselves to fit in their families. If a Rapunzel has an important Snow White in her life, she will likely emulate this gentle energy and her true self is locked away in an inner tower.

While this seems like a plan, the problem is that she never learns how to express the passion of her Rapunzel nature. This overflow of inner drama cements her into a tower that keeps her heart frozen in time.

It is not that Rapunzels aren’t nice, they are. It is just that without an outlet to be her true passionate, pissed off self….her fear of causing anyone else the pain she has experienced will keep lovers away.

Snow Whites are naturally more compliant and easy going. It takes A LOT to get a rise out of her and even then, she will opt out of confrontation and adjust herself. She is not the action taker that Rapunzel is and can get paralyzed by what other people think.

Scarlett’s tend to throw themselves and their passions into their careers.  While they THRIVE in their businesses, their success and independence repels manly men and attracts indecisive luke warm guys.

Rapunzels can be the best partners of all once they learn these 5 secrets:

1. Rapunzel must have a plan for alone time. One of my very most favorite Rapunzels, Barb, sincerely wished to find a man who would live down the hall. When she told me this the first time, she laughed nervously and asked, “Do you think I could find a man who wouldn’t mind sleeping in his own room?” I said “Abso-bleepin-lutely!” There are so many lonely guys out there and in the later years of life, companionship and tenderness are worth their weight in gold. PLAN on being alone part of the time rather than dreading it. True Magic!

2. Rapunzel must focus on something besides her hopes for love. Whether it is a hobby, I know a Rapunzel who is a stand up comic and lets her mean side loose in her routines, or a cause, another is a fund raiser for a non-profit, or like Janet Jackson…creating an alter ego in her performances, you will get more of what you are looking for in life if you project your passion outward.

3. Rapunzel must accept that she is high maintenance…..period. I have had two Rapunzels fire me as their coach because they got so pissed off about this one. The big news here is that we are ALL high maintenance. LOL. Snow White and Scarlett have their own high drama, high maintenance issues. We all have to get over ourselves and admit…we are not easy to live with….there, I said it!

4. Rapunzel must learn to lead with positivity. As you know, on every call I start by asking, “What are you celebrating today, what part of your life is working?” I have to laugh because even long term Rapunzel clients still struggle, even though they know I will ask that. Un-evolved Rapunzels lead with pain….they will talk more about what is NOT working than what IS working and that is off putting to friends, family and lovers.

5. Rapunzels must find a away to befriend themselves. Withering self criticism will pull you back into the tower every time. You are doing a wonderful job of opening your heart. Once you realize that you can create a new inner tower, one made of love and self appreciation, one where you can retreat willingly when you need to escape from a world that is too loud, you will be irresistible to True Love.

The last golden nugget for Rapunzels getting ready for love is this. Watch for evidence of good fortune everywhere you go. While romantic love may be in the distance, that doesn’t mean that there are not loving people in your life right this cotton picking minute.

Note each kindness, each gesture of appreciation that you can in your daily life. As you convince your Saboteur (true for you Snow Whites and Scarletts too) that the world is indeed a loving and friendly place, she will release her hold on your future and let you fly!!

Curious about YOUR love sabotage style?  http://TakeTheSoulMateQuiz.com

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2 thoughts on “Rapunzel’s Remedy: Five Secrets To Falling in Love

  1. This is so me like Barb I am not looking for marriage/live in relationship need my space. Also need positivity and projecting my passion outward.

  2. Great tips. You have a way of showing a person how to stay positive. This positivity will shine through and make it easier for a person to fall in love with you.

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