Dreams Really Do Come True

Five years ago, I was divorcing my husband, taking antidepressants by the fistful and in therapy to try to sort out the end of my nearly 30 year old marriage.

Today I am married again, packing my bags and leaving for Italy with the love of my life. We are celebrating our third anniversary in Tuscany.

I can only say….if this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone.

Life is continually amazing me with its unfolding brilliance!

Here is a word from Abraham Hicks for you today! I will be back in October with lots of fresh ideas for creating love!!!

“Come to understand that to the degree you FEEL blessed and expect good things to flow to you – this indicates the state of your allowing. You and how you FEEL is all that is responsible for whether you let in your inheritance of Well-Being of not. You can open the flood gates and let in your Well-Being. Whether you allow or resist it, the stream is constantly flowing to you, never ending, never tiring, always there for your reconsideration. Ask.”
Ask And It Is Given

Celebrating Love Everywhere!

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One thought on “Dreams Really Do Come True

  1. I am truly learning how my feelings attract all things into my life. As I feel the love that I have attracted I realize that this is the first time that I’ve actually been thankful!! Typically I look for “signs” of past failed relationships in order to brace myself against the pain that I’d come to expect. Now, I’m open to receiving and accepting the love of my man; NOT in the comfortable way that I’ve always tried to program but His love to me, and for me.

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