What Is My Number One Soul Mate Attraction Tool?

It never fails me.

When I need to raise my vibration and put myself into a state of delicious well-being, I have a sure fire bigstockphoto_Wave_Heart_Sparkler_1080797tool.  Right now I am watching a Tivoed Oprah show and, just like magic, the waves of goose bumps are hitting me.

Not so many years ago, I didn’t think goose bumps were anything special.  When is was cold, I figured it was just a response to the temperature.  I got goose bumps lots of other times, but dismissed them.  Boy was I missing out on a spectacular Law of Attraction tool!!

Now I know for sure that goose bumps are a language of vibration. Abraham Hicks has taught me that keeping my vibration high is the key to attracting what I desire into my life.  I used to think that vibration was controlled by my thoughts alone and that my attraction vibe was a mind experience.

Whoa!  Was I missing the boat!  Now I know that there is a lot of power in the goose bumps and shivers that happen when something thrills me.  Vibrating emotion rolling through my upper body has become my personal attraction meter.  The stronger the vibe, the more in tune with my Inner Being I am. 

Like I said, I never knew that these experiences had so much to offer. I would sit in theatre productions, sports events and concerts totally clueless.  I took the goose bumps and shivers completely for granted.  Now I know that I can recall these times and use them to ramp up my vibe whenever I want.

Plus, now that Tivo is in my life (if you don’t have it….get it!)  I can create my own high vibe tool kit with the push of a button.  So what is my number one Soul Mate Attraction Tool?

Makeovers. On my Tivo right now is a “Oprah, Make Over My Man Please!” (taping date November 19, 2009)  Tim Gunn and Carson Kressley are making over boyfriends and husbands while the women sit stunned in the audience.  Seeing the before and after pictures always sends chills up my spine.

What really gets to me though, every time, is the looks on the faces of the family when they see their loved one madeover. Truth be told, for me any makeover show will do.  From What Not To Wear to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition, the thrills and chills put me in the frame of mind and good feeling place that is an exact match to how I will feel when my manifestation appears.  I have been known to keep favorite episodes on my DVR for MONTHS!!

Pay attention to those goose bumps….when your soul mate arrives, you will be glad you did!

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