Three Secret Words That Always Work

Keeping your Love Vibration higher than your It-Will-Never-Happen-For- Me Vibe is crucial to attracting love.

While you are building your vision board, setting the breakfast table as if he will be there, emptying your medicine chest or closet to make room for him, the stark aloneness of your life can scream to you… SEE….I told you nothing would change.

What do you do when all the attraction magic you are using just doesn’t bring the result you are hoping for? How do you handle the walking through wet concrete feeling of continuing to be stuck in singleness?

In my experience, there are certain words that actually vibrate higher than others and when you are telling the story of your current relationship status, it is critically important that you use powerful words that will radiate lovingness and availability to the men you encounter.

You may think that you will save your best self for that one special man and that you can be dismissive or sarcastic about men in general.

Tactical Error. If you have hidden hostility toward men (who would blame you….you have had your share of heartbreaks!), that hostility can be FELT within your words.

I started collecting certain phrases when I was searching for Love. Lovely Louise Hay, author and publisher changed my life years ago when she said, “Stop terrifying yourself! You are telling the painful story over and over and your are paralyzing yourself in fear.”

Slowly my outer world began to match the language I taught myself to use. Join me tomorrow when I reveal one of my favorite phrases, the Three Magic Words that brought Love into my life.

Out of all I have learned since I met Larry and found out how to feel loved, there is one major breakthrough that changed everything for me.  Using the high vibrating words I had learned, I found even more secrets to feeling deeply loved and cared for.

This Secret to Feeling Loved was buried deep in my painful past and getting to it wasn’t easy, but once I discovered it…. Love began unfolding in my life in unmistakable ways.

In this free Love Magnetizing 101 recording, I reveal that very Secret…the one that completely changed my Love Life forever, and you are invited to listen in.

Just register right here and I will send you the recording.

I can tell you this for sure. Love doesn’t feel anything like what I thought it would and I was 50 before I discovered the Secret. It was worth the wait for me…luckily you don’t have to wait any longer to find out for yourself.  LOL

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