What is Low Self Esteem Attracting To YOUR Life?

If the Law of Attraction really works, then why in the world would you keep attracting men who bigstockphoto_Radiant_Love_384410are no good for you?

I’ll tell you why.

LOW SELF ESTEEM is ridiculously attractive. Like a powerful inner magnet, your low opinion of yourself sends invisible waves of energy that broadcast to the world like a “Kick Me” sign taped to your back.

There is some good news here, though.  Low self esteem is just a habit. You heard me right…a habit.  It is a habit of THOUGHT.  A belief is created by thinking a thought over and over and over again.  Pretty soon you don’t even know you are thinking the thought.  Before you know it, you truly believe you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH.

When you BELIEVE you are NOT GOOD ENOUGH, you do the stupidest stuff imaginable to make other people like you.  How is that working for you?

You are the ONLY PERSON who can change your SELF ESTEEM.  It is possible.  The key is to take action and change your thoughts.

“I can’t change my thoughts….they keep running through my brain and I can’t control them!”  I hear you and I have one thing to say.  BULS–T!  To change your thoughts you only need to do ONE SIMPLE thing.  Make a decision.

Make a decision to CHANGE your LIFE.  You want LOVE?  Prove it! You are an amazing human being.  You have made it through a lot of really tough times and you are still here.  Maybe your family misunderstands you and maybe you have had a few hard breakups.  But you are still here and you ARE amazing. If you don’t believe that, you can change it.

And now, here is a word from Abraham:

We don’t want you to ask for the security that comes from physical promises from physical humans.

We want your security to come to you from your knowing. We want your awareness of security to be that you know the laws of the universe work, you know how to focus, you know that this positive focus that you offer will always bring you good things.

Don’t try to see so far down the road. Just see what is, and look for the good things, don’tdemand that promises be made that give you security. This is the thing that makes the difference between someone who can stand where they are, in an attitude of belief and trust, some call it faith, but some don’t like the word faith, because faith feels like be happy even though you have no evidence of being happy.

We want to acknowledge to yourself that you have much evidence that supports the power of positive thought. So just chill out.

Don’t try to figure it all out at once. The mantra we want you to offer over the next few days is:

“I’ll figure it out as I go”…

“Look how well I’m doing”…

“The Universe adores me”…

“The Universe is yielding to me”…

“There is not a reason for me to worry”…
“When I worry its patterns of old thought”…

“That has nothing to do with my current reality”…

You’re doing extremely well!

~ Abraham-Hicks / San Diego 1-12-2008

I just love Abraham!  As Louise Hay says, a belief is just a thought you keep thinking over and over and over again and a THOUGHT CAN ALWAYS BE CHANGED!

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