Lonely? Recast Your Family!

Every now and then a bible scripture comes back to me at just the right time. One of these is “God places the lonely in families.”  I don’t remember where it is exactly but I do remember when I read it for the first time.

I was going through a particularly difficult time and living in a city with no immediate family, I was pretty lonely. I had found  a local bible study group, can’t tell you how I even heard about it, I just began attending.  What I found there were people who were kind to me, very kind to me.

I enjoyed the bible back then, as much as I enjoy reading Abraham Hicks today. I remember having the identical passion over the ahas I got while reading.

“God places the lonely in families.” No wonder that one still feels good.  Especially to those of us who grew up in stressed families.   Do you have a challenging relationship with a family member?

There is a very good chance there is someone in your life right now who is the same age as that person who is treating you awfully nice right now. Before you make too quick a judgment….look over your acquaintances right now and check it out.

Over the years I have had women come and go who have stood in the place of female family members. Sometimes there is no hardship in the family at all, sometimes it is simply geography that is in the way.

Right now I have managed to attract a woman named Joanne who makes me feel loved and accepted in a deep way. Very deep for how short of a time we have known each other.

She welcomes my ideas and my perspective with respect and curiosity and that feels wonderful.  She is my mom’s age.  She brings me what I don’t get from my mom.

I am glad for the parade of women who have passed through my life over the last ten years. If you are reading this and you know you are one of them….I appreciate you more than you know.  Who knows why some relationships are fleeting.

It doesn’t really matter why they come together quickly and dissolve without warning.  There is something important in each connection, no matter how short.

It really is a gift when you find someone you get along with easily. Enjoy the living tar out of it.  Hold it lightly and be kind to that person, chances are there is a family member of their own that is a hard one.

I have seen time and again that indeed I AM placed in families and you know what? It is the times I need a family the most that the right people always show up.  Did I mention that my mom’s name is Joan?  I know the Universe is getting a big kick out of that one!

Curious about how love sabotage can impact your female relationships?  To take the Love Sabotage Assessment click here:  http://EndLoveSabotage.com

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3 thoughts on “Lonely? Recast Your Family!

  1. Catherine: Thank you for the kudos in your blog. I don’t think that I have had that honor before.
    I am in a position of elder now and see the power women have that they don’t use. Catherine you are in your power and it is showing.
    Ya hoo! joanne

  2. Yes and wonderful Elder you are! There would have been a time when meeting someone like you would have been intimidating for me. Learning to be nurtured in a female friendship is new ground for me. As you know, I tend to b the nurturer.

    I appreciate how you remind me to allow MYSELF to be served, nurtured and loved. That is true mentoring!

    Love you!

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