Are You Lonely This Thanksgiving?

I am a little bit.  My son and his family live a thousand miles away and holidays are a little tough.bigstockphoto_Take_A_Break_693982

I love Skype and my grandson recognizes me and talks to me in his adorable 18 month old way.  It helps to have technology!  But a part of me is a bit sad and I am learning to acknowledge that part and to give it a voice.

In my decision to follow the principles taught by Abraham Hicks and the Law of Attraction, I used to think that any low vibration feeling was to be avoided at all costs. Now I realize that sadness, grief, loneliness or any other “negative” feelings are GOOD for me to express.

These feelings allow a wave of energy to wash over me and then through me.  Thankfully there IS a waiting time between our thoughts and our manifestations.  If not, we would be dangerous!! LOL

If you are lonely this Thanksgiving, here is a great exercise that will help you move through it and get to the other side. Instead of asking “How long will I be alone at the holidays?”  Ask yourself, “Why does being lonely bother me so much?”

If you want to ramp up the exercise, write the second question down with your dominant hand and then switch hands and write the answer with your non-dominant hand.  When you do this, you open a pathway of communication with a part of you who doesn’t get your attention very often.

You will be amazed at what you learn.

If you are reading this, I send you love and more love this day.  I am grateful for my readers and fans!  You guys are changing my world!

Happy Happy Thanksgiving!

Posted via email from catherine’s posterous

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2 thoughts on “Are You Lonely This Thanksgiving?

  1. The article on being lonely without family on Thanksgivng was really helpful! I go through a very hard time on holidays without my family. From exercise I found I need to love me more and draw on that.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Susan! I had a better Thanksgiving than I thought myself! These ideas work! LOL!

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