Five Signs That Your Love Set Point Is Set Too Low

Ever wonder how some people seem to attract the perfect person at the exact right time?

Whether it is a new friend, a hot new business prospect or a new crush, there are some of us who seem naturally attractive to strong relationships across the board.

Don’t you wish that was you?  It can be.

Ready To Ramp Up Your Love Vibe?
Ready To Ramp Up Your Love Vibe?

My experience with countless people desiring deep connection that disappears time and again is that their Love Set Point is set too low.

Somehow many of us have gotten to a place in our lives where all we attract are incomplete and unfulfilling love relationships. When we move from person to person, the bottom line stays the same. The love we thought was there is not.

What if your Love Set Point IS set too low and you aren’t aware of it?

Here are five signs of a low Love Set Point

1. You have a difficult time sustaining long term same sex friendships. People continually disappoint you and let you down.  It seems no one is in it for the long haul and you drift from friendship to friendship.

2. You procrastinate. Think of procrastination as passive aggressive behavior toward yourself.  If you tag on a little perfectionism you have the ultimate in torture…being a procrastinating perfectionist is the pits!

3. You are working in a job where you are not respected or appreciated. Like a penny under a bowling ball,  you  hate where you are but feel paralyzed and unable to look for new career options.

4. You find it impossible to say no. You feel guilty or afraid of displeasing people so you say yes way to often.

5. Road Rage. You know who you are, you ragers you!

What if you could reset your Love Set Point and finally attract the kind of people and experiences that make you feel loved, appreciated and connected? When you are annoyed or frustrated, think about what that wave of emotion reminds you of.  Chances are there is a betrayal or disappointment in the past that carries some of the same energy as that recent annoyance.

Looking back at a past situation with your now mature eyes may be enough to shake yourself out of your mood.  If not, use one of your tools or processes to express what the experience feels like to you.  Whether you journal, run, dance, paint, tap or pet your cat; choose something to focus on that will bring you some relief.  Your love set point will naturally recover as you move forward and release old situations and relationships.

Here is a how to for EFT:  How To Do EFT

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