Do you worry that you have to settle? (The answer is NO!)

Is your dream for finding a soul mate still alive even though you attract the opposite of the kind of man you want?

Do you feel ready for love and even date some but its always the wrong kind of man?

What is the missing piece?

Is there an ex in your past who still rattles you when you think of him?

I know you have seen your share of drama and you are doing your best to put the past behind you but why can’t you meet your perfect match?

Do you have to settle?  NO!!  But, you might have to look hard at what is going on.

I have been talking to single guys lately and picking their brains about what makes them turn cold after awhile.

I know men think simply when it comes to love and romance. The one thing they all say is “Why do women have to over-analyze everything? Why do they always want to know what I am thinking or why I did that thing?”

Could it be non stop chattering and insatiably busy inner thinking that keeps a man off balance?

Another tip: The Silent Treatment Never Works.

Here’s the thing, men hate it when you withdraw when you get upset. If your feelings are hurt and you don’t have a plan for getting over it…you are not ready for love. Period. When a man doesn’t know what you are thinking when it is important, it kills the connection.

Think about it….whether you are always in your head or suffering hurt feelings in silence, if either of these habits are yours, you have to get over them or you will stay invisible to the fantastic men that are out there waiting for YOU!!!

That’s right, always remember that you have a match somewhere out there looking for you. Your perfect match is waiting for you to grow into a true loving partner.

If you have ever been accused of thinking too much, feeling too much, being over emotional or high maintenance and you are still single, this post is for you. If you DO think that you are ready for love, here are 3 quick steps to help you deal with hurt feelings.  It may not seem like much, but when you take responsibility for your own hurt feelings, it sends out a strong signal that men love.  Let’s face it, you don’t want a guy who is intimidated by your emotional self.  You are most vulnerable when you are emotional and don’t you ache to share that with someone?

1.  Inventory:  List all the recent events that led to hurt feelings for you.  Was it a holiday?  Work meeting?  Date?  Chat with your adult child?  Family wedding?  Note that I said EVENTS that led to hurt feelings.  Go back over your list and take out everyone’s name.

2. Evaluate:  Go through the list and rate on a scale of 1 to 10 the one that was most painful.  List the events in order with most painful at the top and least painful at the bottom.

3. Choose:  Take the one that is least painful and make a decision to detach from that EVENT.  The event is in the past.  It is over and your goal is to let it go. You can do EFT on the event right now.  Now you can use a person’s name.  Write several bullet points of what was done that hurt you.  What was said?  Did you feel criticized or unappreciated?  Write it down.  Now go to this link and tap about this event.  You will need to change the wording a little bit.  (Soulmate Attraction Tip: It is when you are feeling the most upset that EFT works the best.  Let the lump in your throat be there.  Let yourself feel whatever emotion is there and tap until it fades.)

Finding the pockets of stored up energy like that lump in your throat is the first step to letting go of the past.

Is there a chance your past is holding you back from love?  Schedule a chat with Catherine and find out:

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