Are Your Deal Breakers Cutting You Off From Love?

Is your goal to find a man who will cherish you, shower you with love and affection, be proud of you and show you off to his friends and family?

Or is it to be with a man exactly 4 1/2 inches taller than you?

For most of my life, baldness in a man was a complete deal breaker.
I even had occasional panic attacks when encountering bald men.

Because I was hurt by a bald man in my past, I had automatically DISQUALIFIED all bald men. How did I do that?  My BODY freaked out with flash backs and gut wrenching tightness and pain in my belly.


Why do I tell you this?  Because much to my total shock and amazement….that deal breaker was not a TRUE deal breaker.

Once I got clear on what experiences in my past had manufactured that deal breaker, I could move on and guess what happened????

The Universe delivered a Soul Mate to me….and he is, you guessed it…..Bald!! So how about you?  Could you have a deal breaker that is holding your own dreams for True Love out of reach?

If you are not 100% sure that your deal breakers are True and Necessary….you can change your mind. Wondering if this could be you?  Are you single and have height, hair or fitness deal breakers? We need to talk.

The first step is to take the Assessment so you can find out how strong your love sabotage habits are.  Then you can make an action plan and change your vibration for good

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