
Needy is Not Attractive – Is your dating profile giving out the wrong vibe?

NeedyLet’s face it. People can feel neediness a mile away. Tell the truth, don’t you have a needy friend that you send to voice mail a lot of the time? Some people thrive on complaining and that is NOT good for dating!

I was talking to another guy the other day who is seriously looking for a love match.

He has been single for 13 years and many women would see him as a catch. “I went out with a woman last week who looked good on paper.” He told me. “Then she started telling me about her ex and how bad things were for her and all I could see was her neediness.”

Who knows one of those women might have won his heart if they could have just gotten rid of the “aroma” of desperation that went with them everywhere they went.

Do you think you might have a desperate vibe? Needy is not sexy.

You can do something about it right this very minute! You are the only one who can step out of the DESPERATE vibe. The good news? It is WAY easier than you can even imagine.

Take this quick quiz to check if a needy or desperate vibe might be scaring love away:

True or False:

I have had more than 3 breakups that still sting.

I have had a string of mean bosses and co-workers.

I have experienced a date rape.

I have been cheated on.

I was raised by a single parent.

I had a learning disability in school.

I want to have children and am approaching 35.

I am working too hard at my career to socialize.

If you say TRUE to any of these life situations, you may very well be radiating a needy desperate vibe, without realizing it! Don’t wait another minute to shake that off!! Men tell me again and again that the number one thing that attracts their attention is….a happy woman.

Men tell me that a sincere smile that sparkles in her eyes is the magic elixir that makes them want more. If you are ready to melt that desperate vibe, email me and let me know.

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