[The Soulmate Secret] Is Minding Your Mind Like Herding Cats?

What if you read The Soulmate Secret: Manifest the love of your life with the Law of Attraction and it doesn’t work.

Have you read it?  Are you still single?

I am starting a series of blog posts to reflect the experience of just such a group of your soul mate seeking sisters who are putting their hearts and expectations on the line for the next ten weeks.

Starting this week I am guiding them through The Soulmate Secret one chapter per week, with a special focus on commitment. Commitment to the process and commitment to their true desire to have a mate.

All change starts with a decision and these ladies have chosen to act on their commitment for these ten weeks.  I hope you will read along with us.

The Soulmate Secret Chapter 1:  Belief

“One part of me wants to be with a man. But the other part of me likes the freedom to come and go as I please.”

“Reading this again just opens up a floodgate for me.”

“Sometimes I wonder if it is all worth it.”

Do you ever hear yourself thinking things like this? These are direct quotes from the ladies in the class.

Sometimes when you read a how to book, it can sound too easy. You think, “Yeah right, what do you know about it.” Or, you think, “I have already tried all of that woo woo stuff, it doesn’t work.”

Do yourself a favor, suspend your disbelief and tune in. Arielle Ford tells a great love attraction story in The Soul Mate Secret. She was in your shoes. Successful in all ways except love, she explains that everything changed when she changed her beliefs

At the end of an intense time of soul searching she found three big obstacles, read mistaken beliefs, standing between her and manifesting love. Quoting Arielle:

1. I didn’t believe I deserved a great relationship.

2. I didn’t love myself.

3. I had a lot of emotional baggage.

Now that makes me laugh out loud right now because I have met Arielle and that is not at all who she is.  But 15 years ago, alone on Saturday nights, she believed those exact thoughts.

Those false beliefs held her life in place with no love and none on the horizon. Nothing would have changed had she not FOUND the false beliefs and dissolved them.

If you are single and unhappy about it, I will guarantee you have a cat herding problem when it comes to keep your Law of Attraction vibe focused.

Your thoughts are running willy nilly creating beliefs that have no real substance. Face it, what you are thinking and believing right now is keeping you single.

What do you actually believe? Write down your beliefs about love. Does your list match Arielle’s? Great, then you are in the right place.  Grab a copy of the book and commit to the next 10 weeks to read and practice what Arielle teaches.

Have you read the book?  What do YOU think?

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One thought on “[The Soulmate Secret] Is Minding Your Mind Like Herding Cats?

  1. Catherine, what a great article. Examining limiting beliefs is sometimes scary; I know I’ve avoided these exercises quite a bit when I was feeling stressed out and vulnerable.

    However, what joy and freedom in actually doing the work to examine these self-limiting beliefs so that you can let them go! I find that when I am accountable to someone else, I do the work I would otherwise put off, especially the self-growth work that I continue to do, and will continue to do all my life.

    Thank you for reminding me and all of your readers about this important topic. Examine your beliefs. Don’t believe everything you think!

    With love and appreciation, Michelle

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