Imagine Feeling Younger and Sexier This Fall

What are you going to do this fall to re-arrange your priorities so that you can attract what you really want, your own True Love, into your life?

The 'dreaded' holidays will be here before you know it.  Is it ok that you are still waiting?

Or, are you really happy with the pace of your search for a partner?

If you want fast results, there is nothing faster than addressing self sabotage.  And I have some really good news.

As you know, The Saboteur Seduction Summit starts tomorrow, September 7,  and I have been contacted by four Saboteurs who have heard about the class and are secretly switching sides, anonymously of course, to talk about how each works to keep you stuck and more importantly….

Each one, Scarlett O'Hara, Sleeping Beauty, Snow White and Rapunzel,  will share one of her most powerful manifesting techniques.  Remember, the Saboteur is exquisitely trained to manifest singleness for you…in spite of all of your conscious intentions!  Evidence?  You are still single, right?

Why have these Saboteurs stepped forward?
  They want to be loved and adored more than anything and they are tired of waiting too.  By the end of the Summit, you will have Five Chapters of The Saboteur's Handbook: Manifesting Secrets From The Masters.
When you learn these magical techniques and use them to reawaken your core personal magnetism.…the vibration you were born with, I call it your Core Love Vibration, life changes forever.

When you are feeling your personal magnetism again, it's delicious! Life begins to draw you forward and you will attract a wonderful variety of experiences on your way to Love.

The 5 Part Saboteur Summit begins tomorrow, September 7 at 1 pm pacific/4 pm eastern.  The Summit is being recorded and each recording will be emailed to you before the end of the class day.  I will be interviewing Madame X (She likes that name)  for about 10 minutes at the start of the call.  She is a Scarlett O'Hara and to no one's surprise has a lot to say.  I will then teach the strategy that will bring the info into focus for all of you to practice with before the next class.

I hope you will join us.  You can get all the details right here:

Take Life From Drab to Fab, This Stuff Really Works!

PS Here are signs of self sabotage in case you are still wondering if you are sabotaging yourself in any way:

  • Still Feeling Undeserving even though you have been through so much personal development work
  • Feeling Not Good Enough, no matter how hard you try
  • Resenting women who have fallen in love
  • Comparing yourself to women who you feel are successful in Love
  • Playing too small, settling for a fraction of what you deserve.
  • Ignoring your intuition
  • Unwilling to do what it takes to move your life forward, feeling frozen in apathy
  • Afraid to invest in help, the value of supporting yourself is hard to see
  • Indecision
  • Worry about what other people will say.
If you can relate to this list, you might as well face it, self sabotage is activated in your life. 

The good news is you can figure out what your style of sabotage is and make a plan to deconstruct it.  It is way easier than you think!  Check it out:  Http://

PPSS There is a preview call for this Summit, you can find it here:  Http://

Posted via email from catherine’s posterous

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