How To Find A Soul Mate Even If You Can’t Let Go Of Your Ex

Couple in love, silhouette, hands, fingersDoes the ghost of an Ex or two haunt your soul mate search?

Last week I was talking to Maryanne (name changed). “How many significant breakups have you had?” I asked her.

“Let’s see,” she said thoughtfully. “It would be easier to say their names.”

“There was Bill, Kenny, George, Jim, Kerry, Jon, another Jim and, um….Jeff.”

“And do you think you are over all of them?” I asked. “Nothing left? No whisper of abandonment, betrayal or rejection?”

“No, I am good.” she said.

100% of the people who contact me for help finding their soul mate have one thing in common. Each one has at least one Ex whose behavior during the breakup has hurt so deeply that their heart is partially shut down.

Maryanne was no different.

After I asked her a few questions, she remembered one Ex in particular who wasn’t quite as easy to let go of. Interestingly, it wasn’t even one of they guys she listed. By time we finished speaking, she realized that the betrayal and abandonment she still felt over that guy was still smouldering in her mind and heart.

These Ghosts of partners past need to be dealt with. EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is very thorough and knocks these stray and harmful negative emotions out. Permanently.

Jeanice (name not changed) is a great example of someone who did battle against all the inner demons that were keeping her single. EFT

Happily Ever After At Last
Happily Ever After At Last

worked for her. Not only did she eliminate the crap from past Exes, she also cleared years of emotional abuse from her childhood.

Once she got those Ghosts of past people who had hurt her out of her energy system, she was able to take a chance on love. Once she could

open her heart sincerely and allow the Universe to attract a REAL fit, Micah walked right into her life and today they are Mr. and Mrs.

How about you? Do you have any Ghosts in your past keeping your soul mate out of reach?

Check it out. Here are the signs that a Soul Mate Ghost is haunting your life:

1.  You have no dates.

2.  You have dates but they are nowhere close to what you are looking for.

3.  You are a great buddy to people of the opposite sex, they don’t see you as a love match.

4.  You still think about an Ex and wonder if you blew it by breaking up.

5.  You are never married approaching 40 and still want kids.

If you see any of these signs, you probably do have a shard of heartbreak embedded in your heart and covered over with scar tissue. You may not even know which Ex or what happened to cause such harm.

You may know exactly what happened but may have forgotten. In Maryanne’s case, when she was in college, her roommate slept with her boyfriend. She had completely forgotten. EFT helped her reach back and unhook herself from that very early heartbreak.

So…What can YOU do?

Here is a quick guide to let you know if a Ghost that needs to be evicted from your heart so you can finally find your soul mate:

1.  List your significant breakups.

2.  Pick one. It doesn’t matter which. Allow the Universe to bring one to the top of the heap.

3.  Think back to that breakup and go to the most intense moment. What happened that made this breakup real to you. How did you find out? Who was involved?

4.  When it was happening, how strong was your emotional reaction on a scale of 1 to 10?

5.  Check in with how you feel about it today. Even though you think you are over that person, if there is a partial memory that still pangs you…even if it is only a 2 or 3, you have a Ghost!!!

Want to find the perfect guy….just like Jeanice?  Check this free VIDEO: 3 Steps to Make A Man Fall in Love With You

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