Hey Sleeping Beauty….Quit Hitting The Drowse Button

In the Sex in The City Movie, Carrie is reading a fairy tale to Charlotte’s little girl. As she closes the bigstockphoto_Healthful_Sleep_4881956book with the classic, “And they lived happily ever after!” she said….”You know, it really doesn’t turn out that way.”

Ironic, as she DOES end up with Mr. Big…an ending that seemed way too good to be true to faithful fans.  But it does beg the question….”Is there really a happily ever after to be had?”

I say yes BUT! And this is dedicated to all of the beautiful women out there still waiting for their prince to show up!  Ladies, if you are still waiting to meet your man and have long left the 30’s behind you, you have to stop hitting that drowse button and WAKE YOURSELF UP!

Life is running by faster and faster. Waiting for a man to come along before you do the things you love to do is a crime.  You are truly living in a sleeping dream.  There are people to meet, places to go and joy to be had.  The world is waiting right out side your door and no one can open that door but you!

Yesterday, I took myself on a date. “What???” You say,  “Aren’t you married to your soul mate???”  Absolutely.  But my adorable soul mate wanted to watch the world series, imagine that!  I wanted to see the San Diego Symphony and Master Chorale (in which my daughter sings…not too much of a proud mama) perform Mozart’s Requiem.

There once was a time when his decline of my invitation would have sent me pouting to my studio in silence and I would have stayed home. There would also have been a time that he would have tivoed the game and gone with me.  But, let’s face it ladies, there comes a time when the honeymoon does end and the call of the wild beckons our men!

I had a fantastic time at the concert!  I sat next to a couple of interesting women and an exchange of business cards will lead to a coffee at some future time.  Who knows where the new friendship may go?  I wouldn’t have met them had I not gone by myself.

My point?  What do YOU give up on a weekly basis because you are still alone?  If you think having a partner will bring you opportunities to travel, be entertained and be accompanied to music and art, you are right.  Having a partner does make some of that more likely, but guess what?  It isn’t the only way!!

Every week there are countless events right in your neighborhood and there is NO EXCUSE for not getting out there and HAVING LIFE! I know your heart craves a companion and I don’t mean to make light of that, believe me.  I talk to countless lonely women who are holding out hope that their soul mate will find them.

Now, I can’t promise that will happen, however, I CAN promise that when you step out and start embracing life and doing the things you are waiting to do when he arrives, you will open doors with wonderful surprises behind them.  If you ARE TO ATTRACT THAT AMAZING MAN, he sure will be more interested in a woman who has the chutzpah to grab life by the balls and live it!

Pick up your local paper and search for the upcoming events.  Go to Craig’s List and check out the tickets section.  Go to a Meetup Group near you and make some new friends.  Invite a group of people to meet at an area restaraunt with live music.  GET UP AND GO!

When I was single, it occurred to me that some of what I wanted, I could darn well get for myself, BEFORE a man came along (if he came along…I was pretty content being single).  I went to a fine lingerie shop and bought a beautiful gown and some great new underwear.  I bought myself a diamond ring for my right hand.  I bought a large body pillow shaped like a horseshoe to cuddle in (this is a great tip!!).  I also bought a bottle of expensive men’s cologne and sprayed it on my pillow.  I took myself to fine dining establishments with a book and my journal and let the lovely waiters fuss over me.  I loved it!

Amazing how just doing these simple things entertained and fulfilled me!  When my soul mate came along, I didn’t even recognize him for a year! We were golf friends and I enjoyed his company but I wasn’t attracted to him romantically.  Imagine my surprise when suddenly one day I looked at him and thought….”Oh my goodness, there is something deeper here!”

Yes, in the beginning he would have tivoed the game.  That is perfectly ok with me!  I had a great time going to the concert by myself and I love knowing that I will always be a great companion for myself no matter what!

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