Don't do it, it's not worth it.

Have You Ever Trusted The Wrong Person? Try This Quick Tip!

Sucks doesn’t it.

And don’t just limit yourself to love.  Trusting the wrong person can have devastating consequences in divorce, business, friendships and even in bigstockphoto_Lonely_Girl_1866356our health care choices.

The worst part…the easiest person to blame for the mess is YOURSELF.
Now you may think you are blaming that awful other person.  You certainly complain about them enough….to any one that will listen.

But..truth be told, at the core of it, aren’t you furious at yourself for being naive and trusting the rat in the first place? There, the big secret is out.  It is YOU that is to blame, no one else.

And what exactly did you do wrong?  Listen….can you hear it?  It is that little voice inside harassing you once again:

“How could you be so stupid?”

“Didn’t you see that coming?”

“You should have seen what a schmuck he was?”

“See, I told you it wouldn’t work out”

“What did you expect from on line dating?”

And the worst news of all….you are going to have to trust yourself again sometime soon to make another important decision.  Good Luck.

Sometimes doesn’t it seem like you reel through life off balance?  Like a ball in a pin ball machine, you are pinged from one problem to the next, bumped and bruised along the way.

Why do you trust the wrong person…again and again and AGAIN??
There IS something wrong, but it is not YOU!

Tell that little voice to be quiet for a minute and listen. Your life circumstances have silenced the very best friend you have…your intuition. That little knowing inside that is ready to help you make your best choice is being drowned out.  You are the only person who can turn up the volume.

How do you do that?  The ONLY way to build trust in yourself is to raise your SELF LOVE VIBE.  Sure you messed up and have gotten yourself in jam after jam.  Who hasn’t?

You are a PRECIOUS being worthy of as much love as you can handle. If you are reading this right now, it is proof that somewhere in you is a deep hunger to find the answer.

Are you ready to move forward at last and make a real difference for yourself?  Waiting around for someone to make you complete isn’t working so good, is it?

Your self-esteem is in your own hands.  If it is a little rusty and in need of repair, you are the only person on the planet that can get that done.

The journey to SELF LOVE is a short one…..about 18 inches. Can you learn to travel from your head to your heart?  I bet you are thinking….it can’t be that easy.  Yes it is.

Being a soul mate is easy once you allow yourself to trust again.  There is only one question.  How much longer are you going to wait?

Try this.  Repeat this statement everyday for one week. Preferably three times a day.  Even though I trusted the wrong person, I choose to forgive and accept myself anyway.  The bottom line is, you WERE too trusting but now you are wiser and stronger.  Telling yourself the truth in this way will help you move forward.  I promise.

Ready for love with no prospects in sight? Book a free Love Magnet Reading and see if your magnetism is strong enough to attract a great partner! Contact me right here:


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2 thoughts on “Have You Ever Trusted The Wrong Person? Try This Quick Tip!

  1. This article is a great set-up for emphasizing the importance of self-love. It’s unquestionably the most important ingredient in attracting and discovering your soul mate.

    And perhaps it would be worthwhile to know “why” some of us are attracted to the wrong person before drawing conclusions.

    And it would be worthwhile to know that you could master the law of attraction and succeed fully in attracting your soul mate to you and still not recognize the person if they were right in front of you.

    Not because you don’t love yourself and not because you have low self-esteem, but because you have “False Attractions”. That’s right, the chemistry you have felt that has led you to wrong person is because genetically you are wired to be attracted to someone that is NOT your match.

    You have an energetic blueprint that you have had since birth that determines exactly whom you will be attracted to, and for half the population that is the wrong person. It’s an undeniable fact. You won’t see it coming! It’s not about being stupid! It has NOTHING to do with how you meet so don’t be judging on-line dating. And your intuition will be fooled if you don’t understand why.

    It has totally to do with your energetic blueprint. The good news is there is a solution that works with
    everything you can learn about attracting a soul mate or the law of attraction. It’s also free and at

    Find out if you have False Attractions. More important find out if you have the same energetic communication style as the person you are attracted to. If you are not matched, that is your answer to keep looking… and your “heads-up” not to repeat challenges you of the past.

    If you’re matched, by all means let your heart flow!

  2. Thanks for your comment Larry, and for the terrific resource! So many of my clients are dumbfounded at the people they are attracting into their lives. Match Matrix offers some real answers!


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