For Men Only….Has A Breakup Left You Sad and Alone?

Ever heard any of these:bigstockphoto_Sad_Man_541781

“I think we need some space.”

“I think we need to take a break.”

or worst of all,

“I love you, I am just not IN love with you.”

Having your soul mate (or a woman you were sure was a soul mate) say these words can be utterly devastating.

It is hard to say good bye to love.

You also need to say good bye to the dream life you hoped you would have, the children you hoped to have together and the future you planned with her.

Maybe you are keeping momentos of your dating days. Maybe you are so hurt, you can’t see straight.

You dread holidays because being alone is especially painful.

If this describes you, you are in the right place. There is Hope after Heartbreak and you really can learn to move on so that New Love can find you.

There is a part of you, an inner sabotage agent, who is closing you off to moving on and letting go of the pain of the breakup.  It is like the anger and distaste you have for your ex protects you from letting anyone else get close. Self Sabotage is real.

Read what Mike said after learning his sabotage style:

“Before I met Catherine I didn’t even want to date again. The thought of being hurt on the level I just was….lets just say I felt like all hope was lost. After I met Catherine, I realized that there is a Soul Mate out there for me! I’ve realized the kind of Soul Mate I would like, and the kind of Soul Mate that I need to be as well. There has been a dramatic change in my emotions, confidence, and attraction towards others. Because of Catherine, I know my Soul Mate is right around the corner, and I can’t wait to meet her!” – Mike Pittsburgh, PA

Yes, I believe she is out there waiting for you….. Waiting for you to believe in love again.

Wonder about Your Sabotage Style?  Take the Love Sabotage Assessment and check it out for free:


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