Does The Law Of Attraction REALLY Work When it Comes To Love?

“I would never have attracted that kind of man into my life.”

“Law of Attraction! Ha! More like Law of Rejection.”

 “Why do I attract the exact opposite of what I want?”

Still Waiting?

These are the types of comments I hear from the people I talk to every day. Believe me, I am frustrated with you!

I know how fabulous you are. I know how you have risen above some stark circumstances to get where you are. I see what a catch you are.

Yes, there are a few married couples and two new mommies on the planet because of applying these Universal Laws as I teach them and I am so happy for them!!

Congratulations to Monica, Kerry, Susan, Barbara, Jessica, Kate and now Jeanice and countless others who I have lost touch with over the years.  I am thrilled you have found what you are looking for!

But the reality is, most of the women who call me for advice cannot find lasting love no matter what they do or don’t do. Where are you in this group?

And most importantly, if you have an itch inside to share your life with someone that will not go away,  I believe with all my heart that the Creator wouldn’t have planted that dream within your heart without also giving you the power to make it happen.

If the Law of Attraction does not seem to be working, here’s the thing.  As hard as it is to believe, there could be a part of you that is stubbornly refusing to let it happen.

The inner tug of war that rages between your desire to be safe and your desire to be loved is killing you….one lousy date after the next.  Does the Law of Attraction work?  Absolutely.  You are attracting the exact right people.  If they are not partner material, it is YOU that needs to change.

Does that mean you have to give up on your hopes and dreams?

Does it mean you have to settle for someone that you don’t like?

No! No! No!

If you have never tried EFT to shift your vibration around love and romance, it is easy to add it to your Soulmate Manifestation Toolbox.  Here is a link that shows you exactly what to do:  How To Do EFT


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