Does A Break Up Haunt You This Christmas?

Hi Soul Mates,

Just like Scrooge was haunted by the ghost of Christmas past, I still am occasionally visited by the ghosts of my past relationships. My breakups were all the right thing to do. Looking back I know that each of those men was an important part of who I am as a woman today.

But it still hurts, if I let it.

Is this true for you too? If so, you may be able to help me out. I want to create a practical book for moving on after love ends. I am interviewing men and women about their experiences. I am especially interested in those relationships that seem impossible to let go of.

My wish is to expedite the process so people can jettison the emotional residue and get out there and attract the True Love waiting for them.

If you have a break up story, are stuck between partners fearful to move on or have any tricks and tips about getting over lost love, I would LOVE to speak to you!
Don't worry, all names will be changed, you can be completely anonymous.

All you need to do is to add a comment to this post  and I will contact you to set up an appointment.

If we put our heads together, I believe we can help a lot of people truly access the Law of Attraction and draw in the love of a life time.

Love and Magic,

PS I am putting together a dynamic series of interactive teleseminars for 2010 that will be $47 per class. As a thank you for your help in my break up book project, I will send you a $47 coupon so you can attend a class as my guest!

Posted via email from catherine’s posterous

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3 thoughts on “Does A Break Up Haunt You This Christmas?

  1. yes, I just had a breakup 3 weeks ago. in the long run I know it was better this way but it still hurts.

  2. I had a break up 8 years ago we had been together for 6 years and we were deeply in love that everyone around us thought that we would be the only ones to make it. Now 8 years later i am married with two lovely kids a gorgeous husband in a lovely big house, but the problem started 3 years ago when me and my husband had a big fight and i discovered all of our differences and now whenever i go to sleep whenever i daydream i picture the love that had been its like i am being haunted all over again, and i can t help it, i don t know what to do i feel ashamed because i am married wish i could find a solution to get me out of this circle.

  3. Hi Salmah,

    Big hugs to you. I can hear the frustration in your note. It is easy to look back at former love when you are unhappy in your current relationship. I know, I have done it myself. In fact, when I was going through my divorce (I had been married nearly 30 years), I needed to do a tough thing. I forced myself to remember the BAD things instead of longing for the good times I missed.

    I focused on the miscommunications and hurt feelings not to torture myself but to empower myself to see I was ready to move on. An ex is an ex for a reason. Spend some time listing what was no longer working when you broke up. I believe there are lots of soul mates out there. Lots of love to share. Your ex was just one of the loves of your life. Now you have your kids and your new hubby.

    Don’t go through this alone. Talk to a coach, counselor or minister. Find a way to accept where you are and your current situation. If you know which saboteur style you have, it may help you see your way through the maze.

    I wish you the best!

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