Daily Love Magnetizing Video Vitamin

Imagine a “Love Vitamin” to start your day.

Even though it is only a minute and a half, this video is a high vibrating tuning fork for your Love Vibe!

See if you feel warm, tingly or excited with happiness when you see it….breathe into the feelings. Enjoy them. How strong are they? Can you ‘turn up the volume’ and maximize the feeling? If you want to deepen the experience, tap on the collar bone point as you are watching.

If you feel sad or annoyed at the video…what an ‘aha’! That is your Saboteur reminding you of how hard your path toward love has been. Don’t despair! I am planning a one day class in March to help!!

When you are truly ready for love, you will feel it with your heart. Trust your Inner Being to lead you to your Heart’s Desire.

Catherine Behan is a Dating, Sex and Intimacy Coach practicing in San Diego, CA. For a free 20 minute chat to explore your dating style or lack thereof, click here.

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