“Consider Yourself Dumped.” Cruel or Honest?

"I can't believe he did that!"  Reeni stormed.  "On my voicemail….Who does he think he is!"

"That's nothing," Barb said, "My ex sent me a text message!"

What is our world coming to?  Is this the trend of the future?  What is your worst break up story?

Back in the day, before technology, the worst thing would be when your BF or GF would simply disappear, never to be heard from again.  It would take time to realize they were gone forever and that was cruel in its own way. 

But now, with text, twitter and Facebook, everything has changed.  One client found out when her ex changed his relationship status to Single on Facebook.  Ouch.  How about you, have you either dumped someone or have been dumped on social media?  Shouldn't there be social media manners??

I do lots of business on line and social media is a life line to my clients.  I love connecting with my ever growing community of peeps, friends and contacts.  It is true that nothing replaces in person contacts, but I enjoy wonderful connections all over the world and I love social media because of that.

But….if you are reading this and you are considering a breakup, I hope you do the brave thing and tell your soon-to-be-ex in person.  It may scare you to pieces to look your former love in the eye and tell them that you are ready to move on, but you will be so glad you did. 

Guilt will haunt you if you take the chicken's way out every time.  You may be able to swallow that guilt, but don't be fooled, hidden guilt will hurt your next relationship….every time.

Let's face it, breakups are natural.  You need to split up if you are not happy.  Your True Love is out there waiting for you.  Cut your losses and move on, just do it with kindness.

Meanwhile, if you have been dumped in a cruel way, here's a hug, text style: {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Hug}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}. 
You will be ok, even if you are struggling right now.  Be glad your ex moved on.  Now you can find someone who will give you the love and respect you deserve!

Posted via email from catherine’s posterous

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3 thoughts on ““Consider Yourself Dumped.” Cruel or Honest?

  1. Lol. My ex-husband called before the new year, not to make things great and clear the air, but because he wants the wedding ring back!!! We separated 6 year ago! Lolol… It’s not cruel. It’s funny. I mean what are you going to do about who he is committed to being??? Not a thing. Even my guy friends, generally 50 and up are caught with their jaws open on that one… too funny. BTW. It was my pleasure to send it back to him, except the part where he kept telling me how to insure it and for how much and on and on and on. Man, if he’d only talked that much during marriage counseling. I found my self so relieved that he had found somebody. I, am still in anger management classes! Lol. But at least he’s happy! I don’t know why that’s a relief to me, but it is.

  2. Hey Mary,

    Great to cross paths with you again! Thanks for your story. I know that endings have their share of drama but for pete’s sake!! You have such a great sense of humor…one of the things I love about you!


  3. I live abroad and was in a relationship for 5 years. I thought I’d found “the one”. With the turn in the economy he told me he had to return to the states to make some money but he fully intended to come back ASAP and continue on with our relationship. Two months later I got the email informing me he was ending the relationship. EMAIL! I had 5 years of “I love you”‘s and self rightous lectures on the importance of integrity, honor, and honesty in relationships….and I get an email. Good God!

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