Are You Your Own Worst Enemy?

Noticed any self sabotage lately? Here is a sign that your Saboteur has been in action.  Since you have been reading this blog, a part of you has been tempted to take action and contact me.

But, there is another part of you who is resigned to the status quo and believes that change is too hard, too time consuming and ultimately a waste of time.

And yet, you keep reading the posts….

Meet your Saboteur.  Seeing herself as a super hero, she makes sure that you don't take a chance and get hurt again.  She is good at her job, I bet you can't remember a time when you were open to a man.  Maybe you've never trusted any one with your true heart.

And yet, you read on….

That inner tug of war is exhausting, isn't it?  Well there is a very good reason for that.  Some of the battle with your Saboteur is physical…that's right, physical.

When it comes to LOVE, your default vibrational setting is stuck in Fight or Flight.  Many of you feel weak knees, nausea and dry mouth even thinking about what you would do if a great looking guy approached you. 

How did that happen?  It is really quite simple.  As a little human being, you were impressed with what you saw around you and you took everything you saw and heard as gospel truth.  No wonder you feel intimidated by Love.  Some of the people who were supposed to show you what Love was like, didn't have a clue themselves.

As always, when you get information like this, I hope it brings a lot of self compassion.  There is a very good reason why you are still single.  Once you understand that, you can make a plan and address these false impressions you have been carrying all of these years.

Here are three sure fire vibe shifting exercises you can do that will boost your confidence and lift your spirits:

1.  Go outside.  I tell this to all of my clients.  Just getting a breath of fresh air can really make a difference.  If you have any plants in the garden, bury your face in the leaves and breathe. Smell the life around you.

2.  Get a drink of water. 
Most of you are dehydrated right now.  Squeeze a fresh lemon wedge into your glass or add a sprig of fresh rosemary.  Dress up your water and drink deeply.

3. Write 5 things you have accomplished that you are proud of.  Sometimes it is easier to see what is not working, who is not showing up in your life and how much Love is not here yet.  When in reality, you have had a great year so far.  You have been addressing your goals and moving forward.  Find the evidence and write it down.  Be your own cheerleader for a change!

The simplest ideas can shift your vibration and set your manifestations into hyper-drive.  Remember, True Love is pursuing YOU!  It is your destiny to be loved and to love deeply.  Never give up on your dreams!


Curious how strong your Love Vibe is? You can get a free Love Magnet Reading by clicking right here:

Posted via email from catherine’s posterous

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