Are You REALLY Over a Breakup? Still Single? You may not be done.

Could there be a breakup in your past that is blocking your way to love?

No, you say?

Are you sure?

Do people read you as prickly, sharp or intolerant?

  Does that shock you because you are not like that at all?

Do you practice being agreeable in groups but still feel inexplicably annoyed at certain people?

Does incompetence make you insane?

If you can relate to these questions, I bet you have a heartbreak in your ancient history that  is draining you and straining your  relationships.

The more past heartbreak in your life the harder it is to cope with the annoying people coming at you from every direction.  A vicious cycle,  right?

Bottom line?  You have to find a way to track down which ghosts of partners past are holding you back.  Life has not unfolded the way you once hoped.  Along the way, you have been hurt and betrayed.

(Think back for a sec, is there an ancient breakup from when you were 14 or 15 that still holds a bit of emotion?  Who broke your heart for the first time?)

Look what Katharine Woodward Thomas says:

“Rather than only focus on the pain and problem, this empowering online teleseminar will teach you the step by step process of how you can accelerate your healing by using the pain you are in to catalyze a whole new life.

Until we learn how to heal from these breakup mistakes and learn how to conscious complete our relationships in an entirely new way, we run the risk of remaining in pain and living lesser lives … making things worse for ourselves and our children or loved ones.

You are not alone. We all know what it’s like to hurt and suffer from a breakup. And I it is worth it to get out of any pain like that quickly!”


Want to talk about a breakup in the past that still echoes with heartbreak and how it is repelling love? Email me:   Madame Exit? You bet. Once you choose to release your past and move forward, an exit strategy is always helpful. Even though you have moved on, if your energy is still stuck, that Ex is still impacting you. Reach out and I will explain why.

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