Love Is All That Matters

Abraham Hicks Relationship Tip #5


Love Is All That MattersEveryone who turns up in your life–from the people you call friends and lovers, to the people you call enemies and strangers–comes in response to your Vibration. You not only invite the person, but you also invite the personality traits of the person.

Many people have a difficult time accepting this as they think that many of the unwanted characteristics of the people in their lives and they argue that they would never have asked for something so unwanted to come into their experience…..We know that many of the relationships and experiences that you have attracted, you would not have deliberately attracted if you had been doing it on purpose, but much of your attraction is not done by deliberate intent, but rather by default.

It is important to understand that you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.  And chronic thoughts about unwanted things invite or ask for matching experiences, every time.  The Law of Attraction makes it so.”

Abraham Hicks, The Vortex, page 21

Posted via email from catherine’s posterous

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