“I’m in Love With a Rapunzel, I Hurt Her Feelings All The Time and I Don’t Know What To Do.”

“No matter what I do, she is mad at me.” Tony said abruptly.

“I really like her. She is sexy and funny, but if I poke fun at her or tease her…she gives me the silent treatment.”

“I don’t want to leave her, but I can’t take it when she is so upset all the time.”

Why is Rapunzel so hard to please?

My heart goes out to Tony. Rapunzel is so starving for love and yet she sends out such an independent vibe, guys don’t know how to read her. This is the heart of her Love Sabotage.

Until Rapunzel learns how to create a more welcoming energy in her dating life, guys will be intimidated by her sharp wit, strong opinions and defensiveness.

Meanwhile, what can Tony do with his Rapunzel?

Here are a few tips for dating a Rapunzel:

1. Don’t try to cheer her up. She will pinch your head off. It is not that she enjoys being blue. She has a bit of melancholy in her nature and takes life in deeply.

2. Don’t send her flowers. When she is unreachable you want to get her something she will not expect.  Give it some thought.

What does she like to do?  If she loves her Ipod/Ipad, get her an Itunes gift card  If she is a reader, get her a book store gift card.  Think outside the box.  Show her by your actions that you notice what she likes.

3. Allow her the quiet she needs. She isn’t giving you the ‘silent treatment’ as much as she is withdrawing so she doesn’t pinch her head off.  She doesn’t know how to manage her sabotage patterns and is used to being alone.

4. Have interests outside of your relationship. Your Rapunzel needs time alone. If you are together too much, it freaks her out.

5. Ask her what she needs to feel connected. This is the magic with Rapunzel. When you notice she is annoyed, just ask her: “What do you need from me right now?” She needs encouragement to let her man know what she needs. This is a real gift. Knowing you WANT to be connected will feel wonderful to her.

Rapunzel, are you reading this? I hope so. You have such great partnering potential. If you find yourself white knuckling when you date, I have a special invitation for you.

Check out: DatingCPR.com and see how you can make Love come faster.

Rapunzels have no trouble attracting men, they have trouble sustaining the attraction and/or attracting the wrong kind of men.  Don’t give up, the right guy is out there, right guys?


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