
Soulmate Attraction Virtual EFT Workshop

bigstock_Lovers_1395371What if the ghost of a past lover is holding you back from love?

The more past heartbreak in your life  the harder it is to attract partner material. If you have a heartbreak in your ancient history  that  is draining you and straining  your  relationships, I call that a “ghost” of lost love.

Bottom line?  You have to find a way  to track down which ghosts of lovers past are holding you back.  Life has not unfolded the way you once hoped.  Along the way, you have been hurt and betrayed.

Think back for a sec, is there a painful breakup from when you were 14 or 15 that still holds a bit of emotion?  Who broke your heart for the first time?

We all know what it’s like to hurt and suffer from a breakup. And I it is worth it to get out of any pain like that quickly and permanently.  There is nothing like EFT for erasing emotional pain.  Once you learn how, you can do it for yourself.

On Halloween Night I hosted a EFT Ghost Busting Workshop and it was fabulous.   EFT is very effective in a group setting…everyone benefits and all the members of the workshop worked on leaving one ghost of a lost love behind.  Laughter and tears abounded.

Even if you’re not in a breakup right now, this information is vital to any of us who has ever suffered the painful ending of a relationship. Plus it is only $25  to attend.

If you are interested in a future EFT Soulmate Attraction Workshop, let me know!

I always need 2 or 3 people to be the EFT clients during the workshop so let me know if you want to volunteer. Everyone benefits from the tapping and will raise their vibration. Moving forward is important and EFT will jump start your soul mate search

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