Always a Bridesmaid?

Top 10 Things Single Women Do Not See About Themselves

I meet hundreds of single women who tell me their stories.

Many are Always a Bridesmaid?shocked to find themselves still single at a certain age. Some hovering around 40 still want to have a baby. All sad and disappointed by their situation.  Love Sabotage?

Here are the Top Ten Things Single Women Are Not Aware of:

1. Nearly all of them express shock that happy couples  have moments of disconnection in what is otherwise a very good marriage.

2. Nearly all feel a partner will make them feel something they cannot feel from anyone else.

3. None realize that the bio-chemistry of pleasure feels the same whatever is stimulating it. A good concert, a tail wagging dog, a fantastic dining experience, the hug of a child, the affirmation of a job well done as well as a great partner are just a few of the life happenings that are pleasurable.

4. Nearly all are waiting for “The One” before they travel, move or or start a new career. Life is on hold and they are accepting that.

5. None of them are aware there is a part of them who likes being single and is very good at making sure that nothing changes that.

6. Few realize that self sabotage is really self protection.

7. Few know the strength of their true personal magnetism and the power they have to create a happier life.

8. Most are isolated and none are involved in philanthropy. Nothing grows a heart of love than serving with a charity you love!

9. Nearly all experienced a broken heart around in their teenage years.

10. None feels how special they are exactly as they are.

Want to put an end to YOUR single status?  Start here:

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4 thoughts on “Top 10 Things Single Women Do Not See About Themselves

  1. I just discovered your site and love it! I am going to list you on my blog roll. It’s true…you need to discover who you are first and live life to the fullest as a single person before someone else can love you. It’s sad to me how many women I’ve met who refuse to travel or do anything else just because they’re not with someone.

  2. Hi Pam,

    Thanks for stopping by! I will check out your post. Comments are cyber hugs to me so {{{{{Hugs}}}}} back at you!


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